comfrock, you motherfuck
get up off your crazy knees
and I’ll belt you down
again —
what’s that?
you say I eat stem pipes?
I’ll kill you!
stop crying. god damn.
all right, we dumped your car into the sea
and raped your daughter
but we are only extending the possibilities of a working
realism, shut up!, I said
any man must be ready for anything and
if he isn’t then he isn’t a
man a goat a note or a plantleaf,
you shoulda known the entirety of the trap, asshole,
love means eventual pain
victory means eventual defeat
grace means eventual slovenliness,
there’s no way
out . . . you see, you
hey, Mickey, hold his head up
want to break his nose with this pipe . . .
god damn, I almost forgot the
death is every second, punk.
the calendar is death. the sheets are death. you put on your
stockings: death. buttons on your shirt are death.
lace sportshirts are death. don’t you smell it? temperature is
death. little girls are death. free coupons are death. carrots are
death. didn’t you
o.k., Mack, we got the nose.
no, not the balls, too much bleeding.
what was he when? oh, yeah, he used to be a cabby
we snatched him from his cab
right off Madison, destroyed his home, his car, raped his
12 year old daughter, it was beautiful, burned his wife with
look at his eyes
begging mercy . . .