majestic, majicinfinitemy little girl issunon the carpet-out the doorpicking a flower, ha!an old man,battle-wrecked,emerges from hischairand she looks at mebut only seeslove,ha!, and I becomequick with the worldand love right…
Long walks at night– that’s what good for the soul: peeking into windows watching tired housewives trying to fight off their beer-maddened husbands.
from my bedI watch3 birdson a telephonewire. one fliesoff.thenanother. one is left,thenit toois gone. my typewriter istombstonestill. and I amreduced to birdwatching. just thought I’dlet youknow,fucker.
comfrock, you motherfuckget up off your crazy kneesand I’ll belt you downagain — what’s that? you say I eat stem pipes?I’ll kill you! stop crying. god damn.all right, we dumped…
I can remember starving in a small room in a strange city shades pulled down, listening to classical music I was young I was so young it hurt like a…
some dogs who sleep ay nightmust dream of bonesand I remember your bonesin fleshand bestin that dark green dressand those high-heeled brightblack shoes,you always cursed when you drank,your hair coimng…
he got drunk and went to sleepin his bedand the fire startedand he layed in thereburninguntil a friend in the next roomsmelled itand ran inand tried to pull him out…
these things that we support most well have nothing to do with up, and we do with them out of boredom or fear or money or cracked intelligence; our circle…
with an Apple Macintoshyou can’t run Radio Shack programsin its disc drive.nor can a Commodore 64drive read a fileyou have created on anIBM Personal Computer.both Kaypro and Osborne computers usethe…