225 days under grassand you know more than i.they have long taken your blood,you are a dry stick in a basket.is this how it works?in this roomthe hours of lovestill…
ah, christ, what a CREW:morepoetry, always moreP O E T R Y . if it doesn’t come, coax it out with a laxative. get your name in LIGHTS,get it up…
the vultures at the zoo(all three of the)sit very quietly in theircaged treeand belowon the groundare chunks of rotten meat.the vultures are over-full.our taxes have fed themwell. we move on…
when I look back now at the abuse I took from her I feel shame that I was so innocent, but I must say she did match me drink for…
the goldfish sing all night with guitars,and the whores go down with the stars,the whores go down with the stars I’m sorry, sir, we close at 4:30,besides yr mother’s neck…
not much chance,completely cut loose frompurpose,he was a young manriding a busthrough North Carolinaon the wat to somewhereand it began to snowand the bus stopped at a little cafein the…
we were at this table,men and women,after dinner.somehowthe conversation gotaround toPMS.one of the ladiesstated firmly thatthe only cure forPMSwas oldage.there were otherremarksthat I haveforgotten,except for onewhich came from thisGerman guestonce…
To give life you must take life,and as our grief falls flat and hollowupon the billion-blooded seaI pass upon serious inward-breaking shoals rimmedwith white-legged, white-bellied rotting creatureslengthily dead and rioting…
in the hospitals and jailsit’s the worstin madhousesit’s the worstin penthouses it’s the worstin skid row flophousesit’s the worstat poetry readingsat rock concertsat benefits for the disabledit’s the worstat funeralsat…
there’s nothing like being youngand starving,living in a roominghouse andpretending to be awriterwhile other men are occupiedwith their professions andtheir possessions.there’s nothing like beingyoung andstarving,listening to Brahms,your belly sucked-in,nary an…